Monika Jones currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana. However, she is a Navy kid to a Retired Master Chief off Nuclear Subs, so she has lived across the country from New Jersey to Hawaii. Monika has over 25 years of industry experience. She is passionate about her job, and she truly looks forward to continuing her career here at The Federal Savings Bank!
Monika joins us here at the bank with an incredible amount of industry knowledge and experience. She enjoys her job so much simply because she gets to help people. Monika views the people she works with as not just clients, but people she cares about. She has even gained many friendships because of this mentality. Monika’s sincere care for others, coupled with her extraordinary industry background, is what has made her so successful in her role. Anybody who has the opportunity to work with Monika will experience nothing short of excellent customer service and support.
Monika is married to an Englishman and so, of course, they drink afternoon tea. They also have an English Bulldog named Walter. They love to travel the States and Europe and so far, have been to Italy, Germany, and England twice. She also loves football and loves to sing Karaoke, and she is pretty good, too!
Monika was wonderful.